Wisdom PRO
Main features of GYOZA Wisdom PRO
Last updated
Main features of GYOZA Wisdom PRO
Last updated
Currently there are 3 features available for Wisdom PRO users, in the future we will add more!
First one is /trends command, can be used in DM's with the bot. Usage in groups is possible now but will be restricted for big groups soon.
Wisdom bot is actively used in more than 850 groups now. We detect what people check and scan and thus build the organic trends data for the last 10 minutes/1 hour/1 day. Trend power metrics indicates the relative interest to the certain token. This report will be upgraded in the future, adding new data.
Second command is /alpha *contract* Gives the info on each fresh wallet detect by our bots, shows whether they still hold the tokens or not as well as "fresh ATH" data, showing what was the maximum supply held by the fresh wallets. Each bubble leads to etherscan page of the wallet. This report is being upgraded as well, new features will be added and possible bugs fixed.
Alpha score can be of 4 types: None, Weak, Medium and Strong. Means how much supply do "Alpha" wallets control. Alpha wallets are those, who we consider exceptional traders, known insiders and influencers.
Alpha report also contains data about the bribers (those who bribed validators to purhcase a token), total amount of bribe, data on their wallets, supply control, etc.
Also, for the regular Wisdom report, last 5 minute volume data will be available for PRO users only.
1 month subscription to GYOZA Wisdom PRO costs 0.15 ETH. It is also included to the GYOZA Tools subscription! All subscriptions are managed via https://t.me/GyozaWardenBot
Also, Wisdom PRO features are available for holders of more than 300k GYOZA tokens!